YOU ARE NEVER ALONE with the Sober Sidekick App
SideKick offers instant sober support and advice. Post anonymously, and receive instant messages of positivity from real people. You never have to do this alone!
Sidekick User - "This app has provided me hope. Being able to sign in and see hundreds of people within the same amount of days as you makes me feel like I’m not ever alone with how I’m feeling. Also being able to see people with the amount of sobriety that you dream of having one day gives me sense of direction and proves that one day I CAN get that happiness and self fulfilling love without the use of substances. This app has been my safe place when there wasn’t a meeting going on and the lights are all out and my demons start to take over. This app has been my saving grace a lot of the nights during my recovery when I just can’t think about using or going to use, it’s a Facebook where everyone has the same goal. To get clean, help others stay clean, and find happiness. I really am so proud to be apart of this “app” community, especially because I’ve been an isolated addict for so long that being apart of something so positive and welcoming provides proof that the grass is greener on the other side."
Guaranteed sober support every time you reach out!
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Accountability partners to stay on track with your goals in sobriety
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One day at a time...
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